He travels the world, dances on TV, tinkers with hardware—oh, and designed the Apple I & II personal computers. Steve Wozniak answers our questions and shares his hacker-ish means of getting things done. In computer-loving circles, he's one of those figures you say needs no introduction—and then go ahead and introduce anyways. He and Steve Jobs started the Apple Computer Company from a bedroom, and then a garage, and Wozniak himself put together first the Apple I, then the widely successful and iconic Apple II, the computer most of today's programmers grew up tinkering with as students. He left Apple in 1987 to indulge his mind in high-tech startups, technology programs for schools, and other projects.
TimeEdition - a simple program that takes into account the time spent on tasks. First of all, it will be interesting to employees per hour. TimeEdition can be described as a direct competitor «Chronograph», of which we are told. Fundamental differences of all three: TimeEdition does not require payment, can work in conjunction with iCal, Outlook and Google Calendar, but can not be beautiful records. However, exports to Excel, XML, CSV, iCal is enough.
MacHeist's missions are an opportunity for our members to live out some of those secret agent fantasies, including mission briefings, simulated web espionage, and a storyline packed with tech-mystery intrigue, while earning free Mac software. Over 100,000 MacHeist members have experienced the Mac themed, puzzle filled missions, receiving millions of dollars worth of free Mac software so far.