Книга выдающегося американского психолога Д.Стерна необычна, она представляет собой одновременно и научное, и художественное произведение.
Это - дневник младенца, основанный на реальных наблюдениях и событиях. Автор дает возможность ребенку `рассказать` о себе то, что можно узнать лишь в результате многочисленных кропотливых исследований: что и как он видит, слышит, чувствует, как переживает различные ситуации.
February 1912. Port Royal, South Carolina. "Nine [?] of these children from 8 yrs. old up go to school half a day, and shuck oysters for four hours before school and three hours after on school days, and on Saturday from 4 a.m. to early afternoon. Maggioni Canning Co."
It's November in 1954 and you're an 8 year-old boy; given the following options, what do you do? a) Watch TV; b) Play with cool toy MG sports car; c) Unroll giant set of maps and trace the borders of Czechoslovakia. Made sense to me then. Actually, I still understand it.
An article from www.synecticsworld.com written by one of their consultants.
Developing personal creativity involves the following four elements:
1. understanding the process of creative thinking,
2. identifying blocks to creative thinking and the skills individuals can use to increase creative response,
3. using methods to get fresher ideas and solutions more often, and
4. identifying a personal creative drive and life-long creative vision that will help individuals achieve their personal and professional goals.