5th European Conference on Clinical and Social Research on AIDS and Drugs Vilnius 2009 28 - 30 April 2009 1. Clinical Science1.1. New ARV therapy strategies* New Therapeutic Approaches and Treatment Strategies* Biological Markers for monitoring Disease Progression and Therapy* Paediatric Treatment Strategies* Impact of opportunistic diseases on ARV treatment strategies* Clinical Trials of New Drugs/Pro-Drugs1.2 Important aspects of current ARV therapies* Resistance surveillance and testing in clinical practice* IDU ARV treatment failure and salvage therapy* Adherence* Survival after initiation of ART* Managing the side effects and Drug Interactions* Co-Infections, HCV and HIV, HIV and TB, HIV and STI interactions (e.g. analysis of estimated HIV-psitive incident TB cases that received treatment for TB and HIV)* Horizontal learning and intersectoral HIV case management1.3 HIV, viral hepatitis, TB and drug abuse treatment (for discussion)* oral substitution treatment* heroin assisted treatment* treating stimulant injectors (amphetamines, crack)* include drug free approaches* DOTS2. Epidemiology and Surveillance2.1.Dynamics of the HIV-Epidemic* Determinants of Transmissibility, network analysis* prisons* other determinants (IDU dynamics, MTCT (mother-to-child-transmission) dynamics, migration, STI and sexual behaviour, imprisonment)2.2. Molecular Epidemiology2.3. HIV-Prevalence/Incidence measurement2.4. Diagnostics & Monitoring Tools aimed at hard-to-reach populations2.5. Expanded HIV screening3. Social Science and Public Health3.1 Drug Use, Sexuality and HIV-protection/risk behaviour* determinants and contexts of protection/risk behaviour* protection/risk behaviour in specific vulnerable groups (children, IDU, MSM, MSW, FSW, migrant populations, prisoners and ex-prisoners)* gender3.2 Prevention: Concepts and Effects* risk reduction strategies vs. risk minimizing strategies* harm reduction* prevention in hard to reach populations* gender and age* prevention in transforming societies/poor resource settings* cross border/EU-wide3.3 Care and Support* support needs* access to care* gender, migration and age specific aspects* Care and support in transforming societies3.4 Societal Reactions on HIV/AIDS and Public Health Policies* PLWH and work; disability management* Stigma and exclusion vs. participation and inclusion* Legislation* Policy* Pricing and administration (affordability)AIDS Conference 2009
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